Jordan Millar


My background is in family chiropractic care with a focus on pregnancy, babies, and children. I have a daughter, Alice age 3 and son, Jules age 6. On the recommendation of our oncologist, we started using essential oils and switched over to a plant-based lifestyle in 2015 when my son was diagnosed with leukemia at age 3.5. We wanted to eliminate all the toxins we could from our home and chose Young Living over store brands due to it’s purity, quality, and lack of chemical distillation (they only steam distill or cold-press). I have found them to be way more effective than other brands I had used before. My favorite oil is Thieves blend! Actually the whole line of Thieves products I'm obsessed with. Nothing cleans better than Thieves cleaner and I haven't been sick in over 2 years since I discovered Thieves oil.

My oily journey has left me feeling empowered to make healthy wellness choices for my family and I love the feeling of community I've discovered. I'm excited about joining this wellness journey with you!