first not second


only the best

start low and go slow

Essential oils are highly concentrated, and you just need a little bit! Start with just 5-6 drops of oil in your diffuser, less for babies/children. You can always add more!

We only recommend Young Living Essential Oils. All usage recommendations on this site apply specifically to YL oils only. Read more about Why Young Living.


hot oils

Some essential oils are referred to as "hot", meaning they can cause a burning sensation to the skin and be quite irritating. Hot oils should always be diluted with a carrier oil. Examples of hot oils include: cinnamon, clove, peppermint, oregano, lemongrass, and blends such as Thieves. If you have an oil mishap, always add carrier oil, NOT water, to the area where the essential oil was applied. The carrier oil will quickly resolve any burning sensation.



Some essential oils can react with sunlight and cause skin irritation. These are primarily citrus oils. We recommend caution when using citrus oils topically with sun exposure. 


internal use 

Young Living Vitality Oils can be used internally, in recipes for cooking/baking, or medicinally in capsules. Please refer to label guidelines. 



No, essential oils aren't going to kill your pet! We recommend common sense, and consulting one of the references below or your personal veterinarian if you are wanting to use oils on your pet for a specific purpose. For general home use, it is recommended that an animal be free to leave the room if you have a diffuser running. More about YL for your pets.



babies and kids


One of the most common things I am asked is if oils can be used on children. I'm thrilled to say YES. While there are some general precautions specific to children, essential oils can be incredibly useful for health and wellness of the entire family. We are so thankful for having these to help take care of our own babies!


favorite references and resources


general guidelines for babies and children

In general, dilute your oils more for babies and children. We like organic coconut oil or almond oil - Links to some of our favorites here. The skin of new babies is very delicate, and extra caution is advised. You may choose to use oils on yourself or blanket for a new baby, rather than applying directly to the skin.

Diffusing is typically the most gentle way to use oils for littles. We recommend starting low, with just a couple of drops in your diffuser. 

Essential oils can be used in the bath for children. We recommend a maximum of 5 drops per bath. Always mix the oils into epsom salts before adding to the water.


pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy can cause women to be more sensitive to essential oils, and we recommend diluting your oils more. During pregnancy your sense of smell can change considerably, and this may change how you enjoy your oils. Rest assured - it's temporary! In general, avoidance of the following oils is recommended during pregnancy and while breastfeeding:

  • aniseed

  • basil ct. estragole

  • birch

  • camphor *Note that this is not the same as Ho Wood/Ho Leaf chemotype Linalool (Cinnamomum camphora ct. Linalool), which has no known contraindications.

  • hyssop

  • mugwort

  • parsley

  • pennyroyal

  • sage

  • tansy (Tanacetum vulgar) *Note that this is not the same as Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annum) in blends like Valor and P&C.

  • tarragon

  • thuja

  • wintergreen

  • wormwood

Source: National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy


other considerations

  • Avoid peppermint oil applied topically to the abdomen in the third trimester.

  • Most oils can be safely used during pregnancy, as well as labor + delivery.

  • Cautiously use oils in the mint family (peppermint, oregano, sage) just before delivery, as they can interfere with breast milk production.

  • Breastfeeding mothers should be cautious using peppermint containing blends, as they can affect milk supply.

pro tip

Breastfeeding mamas: peppermint effects everyone differently. For some it can cause a sharp drop in milk supply, and for others it doesn't have much of an effect. We recommend being cautious. For those needing to avoid peppermint containing blends, lemongrass + copaiba is our go to alternative!